Rene Linares

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer certified by Meta with a significant experience in software development since 2021. Proficient in both Frontend and Backend, I perfectly understand the entire web product lifecycle. I have experience in high-standard projects within Agile development teams, adding new features, writing tests, and conducting code reviews.

Certified by Meta
Available for work

Key projects

E-Learning platform for a prestigious bank

E-Learning platform for a prestigious bank

Duration: 1 year

Description: A prestigious, high-standard online education platform with more than 500 study programs that allows thousands of specialists to develop professional skills and build a successful career. This is a product financed and sponsored by one of the largest banks in Russia with more than 276 thousand employees. The project is protected by NDA.

My role in the project:
  • Development of new features for a “Drag and Drop” course constructor, which includes charts for statistics, automatic report generation, management of homeworks uploaded by students, calendars and events, support chats, management of student access, as well as integration with an AI content generator through a REST API
  • Migration of UI components from Vue.js to React
  • Code review for other team members

M2 | Corporate website for an Internet provider

M2 | Corporate website for an Internet provider

Duration: 4 months

Description: An Internet provider dedicated to delivering high-speed, reliable services to homes and businesses.

My role in the project:
  • Setting up the development and production environments of the project from scratch (Docker, Nginx, PM2, etc.)
  • Frontend development using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) improving the SEO and performance of the website by 30%
  • Integration with REST API provided by the company for handling user session, making online payments, displaying subscription plans, statistics, etc.
  • Integration with CMS (Wordpress) through REST API for managing website content. Customization of the Wordpress admin interface

Logist | Corporate website for a transport and logistics company

Logist | Corporate website for a transport and logistics company

Duration: 3 months

Description: A company located in Vladivostok, Russia that offers transportation and logistics services at national and international levels.

My role in the project:
  • Frontend development using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) significantly improving the SEO and performance of the website
  • Development of a REST API for the management of transport routes, schedules, etc.
  • Integration with database MongoDB and management
  • Integration with CMS (Wordpress) through REST API for the management of website content. Customization of the Wordpress administrator interface

Mir Kvartir | Real estate rental and sales platform

Mir Kvartir | Real estate rental and sales platform

Duration: 7 months

Description: A platform that allows users to search, rent or buy properties in St. Petersburg and its surroundings. It has more than 2 thousand properties available in its catalog.

My role in the project:
  • Support for less experienced developers in the creation of UI components
  • Refactoring and correction of UI components to improve the user experience
  • Development of a REST API for the management of property catalogs, realtors, etc.
  • Integration with relational database PostgreSQL and management

Skytechnic | Aircraft maintenance services company

Skytechnic | Aircraft maintenance services company

Duration: 5 months

Description: A company that provides aircraft maintenance and repair services at major Moscow airports.

My role in the project:
  • Setting up the development and production environments of the project from scratch (Docker, Nginx, PM2, etc.)
  • Support for less experienced developers in the creation of UI components
  • Frontend development using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) significantly improving SEO and website performance
  • Integration with CMS (Wordpress) via REST API for website content management. Customization of Wordpress admin interface

Nasledie | Online biography management service

Nasledie | Online biography management service

Duration: 2 months

Description: Promising and innovative online biography management platform that allows users to create and share their life stories, photos, videos and more.

My role in the project:
  • Development of new feature (user personal account) for managing biographies, plan payments, etc.
  • Maintenance of the platform's Frontend. Debugging and bug fixing

Skills and tools

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js
Also I use:


I strive to constantly improve, which you can see by looking at my certificates. Most of the courses and certificates I obtained from the popular platform Platzi and Coursera.


If you are looking for someone with strong technical skills and a can-do mindset to join your team, please feel free to contact me.